Believer's Fellowship and Prayer Team

Hello in the Name of Jesus Christ!

Thank you for visiting our Believer's Fellowship and Pray Team page!  On this page you will find some information about this ministry and if interested, how to become a part of our team.   The page is new, however our BF&P Team has been around for some time.  We are a group of people who voluntaryly meet together from time to time for fellowship, worship and prayer.  However we are active in praying for individuals as we set aside a time for prayer in our homes or where ever we are. 

We would like to invite you to become a part of our team.  There are no dues, and no demands that you make any meetings, but you are invited to all of them as outlined later on this page.  We only ask that you are a devoted Born Again Christian, and will commit to feverant prayer when asked.   WE DO NOT PUT THE REQUESTS ON FACEBOOK OR ANY SOCIAL MEDIA.   Our desire is to be sincere and honest in praying for someone.  Not just lip service, but feverant prayer!


1.  We ask that you agree to pray for the requests for prayer that we receive and share with you.  It is not necessary, however if you feel led to do so, it would be nice if you could make contact with that person and let them know you personally have been praying for them as a part of our BF& P Team.  We suggest using Email, text, phone, or sending a card or letter.  Each team member can notify the other team members of any requests they may receive.  We suggest that this be done only via  Email, text or phone,  NOT ON SOCIAL MEDIA.  

2. We ask that you pray about, and if so directed of the Lord, to make suggestions on where and how we as a team can come together from time to time for fellowship, worship and prayer.  This could be for one hour, one day, or any other length of time.   We love to meet in Churches that will host such a meeting, in RV parks, homes, or other areas where and when possible.   The time must fit with our SCM schedule and everyone on the team will be notified.  Attendance is not required, but all are welcome to attend, and SCM should be notified if you do plan to attend.

 One  suggestion is to make contact with your pastor or church, see if they are interested in hosting such an event.   There is no cost to the church.   Each team member will be response able for their own lodging, travel and meal expense.  When at the church, SCM will normally provide a meal, food, music, and a message. In such meetings, each team member who would like to take part and attend, every effort will be made to assigned them something to do.  Again, no cost to the church!  NO TEAM MEMBERS ARE REQUIRED TO ATTEND ANY OF THE MEETINGS!  OUR MAIN GOAL IS TO BE A TEAM THAT PRAYS FOR PEOPLE, THINGS AND EVENTS AS WE ARE ASKED TO DO .  

3.  IF you would like to be a BF&P Team Member,  let us know by calling, texting, or Email.  Our contact information is listed on our web site.  We will develope an Email list for directed to the team members and communicate through that list as much as possible.  We also may call or text, but most communications will be done via Email. If you do not have an Email address, then let us know how you would like to be contacted.